commercial rooftop
Maximum energy output per roof top – greatest savings
Hyquip offers complete solar roof top solutions for medium, large commercial establishments and public sector. Frequent unavailability of power from the grid is a critical problem faced by the Indian industry today. Solar energy emerges as a Dependable and sustainable source of energy.
Industries are power intensive thus power costs form the most critical cost component which solar helps reduce.
Companies showing commitment towards green technologies such as solar demonstrates social responsibility and commitment to a sustainable energy future adding to the profile of the company and compliments its initiatives taken towards energy efficiency.
Hyquip solar rooftop systems are designed to deliver the most solar energy per rooftop as possible.
Hyquip offers only industry leading highest efficiency solar modules and invertors which are critical for achieving expected energy production for viability of the project.
Hyquip has developed a dedicated team of solar rooftop installation experts resulting in turkey solar power solutions.
Economic and Environmental advantages of commercial scale solar energy
Economic benefits of solar PV:
• Can be installed faster than any other traditional or renewable energy power plants and start saving from day one.
• Reduces the need for extensive high voltage transmission lines or complex infrastructure by producing local onsite energy production.
• Reliable source of energy in the long term and also predictable energy production curve giving high value when utility rates are at their highest.
Environmental benefits of solar PV:
• Solar is a clean and sustainable source of energy with no polluting emissions and visually un-obstructive in nature.
• Offsets the need for polluting, inefficient sources of energy

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To know more about our wide range of solar products and theservices we cater, you are free to download our product catalouges. Please hit the download button below to download the content.
Solar Calculator
HYQUIP has developed a solar power calculator as a free resource to estimate the power generated and the payback revenues. Users can input their basic details and use the calculator for FREE.
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- Site analysis
- Solar capacity determination
- Structural feasibility and load
bearing capacity of rooftops. - Government clearances and
subsidy liaison - Off-grid system
- Grid tied system
- Erection & commissioning of
solar PV system - Performance and product warranties
- Training on operation and
maintenance for project staff - Maintenance support to meet
the warranty terms and conditions